My heart is lifted with promise for the future of America and our kids are leading the way. I’ve been spending my time lately heartbroken at the affairs of the world. Specifically, there’s an outrageous horror going on over in occupied Palestine, and the people promoting and defending it are the same monsters that control our media, our banks, our government. There seems to be no way to upend this travesty of international justice.
Congress is frantically trying to pass laws to keep the truth at bay, making common words of our vocabulary illegal, designating words like river and sea to be part of hate speech. Police are out in force doing what police always do. In my youth, it was busting hippies’ heads, but today it’s dragging pro-Palestinian protesters off to jail, it doesn’t matter to them as long as they get to wear the Shire law enforcement feathers in their hats (Let the Tolkien fans understand) so they can feel important.

I’m an old man now, but I still get a charge out of watching the public step up to injustice – especially injustice that is so appallingly promoted by the groveling bunch of whores we have in our congress, which is completely owned by the powerful AIPAC lobby. They never miss an opportunity to show their true colors, and they ain’t red, white, and blue. Supposed judges are bought off all they way to the top of the judiciary, so there’s really no chance for justice to emerge from there, and the executive has been completely taken over by the bankers’ representatives and the AIPAC lobby. Just when I begin to lose hope of any human institution being able to overcome this travesty, up step the college kids! Again.

None of these kids today remember our battle during the Vietnam days when a different travesty was happening, but they are taking the same tact we did. In our day it was with flowers, love, music, and Jesus, and after years of struggle and with the chagrin of the establishment, we won our battle. The US military left Saigon in 1975. But way too many Vietnamese peasants died while we were fighting. Us kids won the day back then, and it looks like the only ones truly fighting this time are the young folks again. There are a few blessed supporters like Aaron Mate, Judge Napolitano, Max Blumenthal and others. And we must never forget the conviction and courage of Aaron Bushnell. God bless y’all.

Y’all need to start writing some for-real protest songs. Don’t worry about stepping on toes either. You have the marches going, and I’m going to drag my old decrepit butt out there and join y’all for the thrill of watching the man squirm. This genocide has to stop – human beings are better than this. Maybe it’s fitting for the youngsters to lead the way, maybe your parents can be ashamed of themselves like ours were for letting themselves be propagandized and brainwashed while the younger folks could see through the crap and take action.

I’ve seen where the kids at Columbia University are being dragged off to jail and MIT seems to be following suit. The system got the presidents of Pennsylvania and Harvard kicked out, but the students made their voices heard. I’ve come a long way in a very short while, considering the contempt I’ve had for young people because of my misperception that y’all weren’t paying enough attention, but I guess in reality, it’s mostly older folks who have dropped the ball. You guys are stepping up in a big way and I’m big time proud of y’all. I’m not on top of all of it, but I’d wager that a lot more colleges are in this fight too. I sincerely hope so, and I’d love to get comments from all the ones who are in and their progress. Remember flowers (it’s springtime!), love, music, and Jesus – heavy on the Jesus part, without Him you can’t win – take it from a battle-scarred veteran of the aforementioned fight.

They called us, among other things, hippies. Us guys grew our hair long which was our way of rebelling against the established order. The man controlled the money, much the same as they do today, but that fact had little effect on a bunch of idealistic kids who found that we could operate without much of it. In today’s society, we constantly see members of the elite establishment step out of line and say things which, even though true, are just not allowed to be said, only to promptly come groveling before their money masters begging for forgiveness and retracting whatever forbidden thing they said. Thankfully we aren’t seeing the college kids doing that this time either. I guess idealistic young folks are much the same in any age.

God bless y’all kids. Keep up the good fight. Those innocent people’s lives are more important than some fat cat’s fat wallet. Keep this old hippy geezer informed on how you’re doing. I love y’all dearly!
Much Love,
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